Public lies and public goods: ten lessons from when patents and pandemics meet: online lecture by Peter Drahos (with video recording)(March 7, 2023)
Tuesday March 7, 2023
TSH-105B or register to attend via Zoom
This talk examines three decades of the history of patents and pandemics that begins with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and TRIPS. This history demonstrates that the patent system is itself a huge source of risk when it comes to managing the risks of pandemics. From this history ten core lessons are extracted.
Peter Drahos
Department of Law
European University Institute
Trained in law, politics and philosophy he has published widely on a variety of topics, including the philosophy of intellectual property rights, global governance, regulatory theory, patent law, trade and development, climate change and energy governance, and the protection of indigenous peoples’ knowledge.

More on this talk: Exploring the uneasy relationships between patents and pandemics