Weekly Newsletter for May 22, 2024

Weekly News (May 22, 2024)
Compiled by Brad McNeil with Sara Bannerman
McMaster University, Communications Governance Observatory

(May 15 – 22, 2024)
Canadian News
- [ONLINE STREAMING ACT] Members of Congress say Canada’s online streaming act discriminates against Americans (Globe and Mail)
- [ONLINE STREAMING ACT] CRTC delays implementing online streaming act until end of 2025 (Globe and Mail)
- [ACCESS TO INFORMATION] Trudeau government cuts budget of Information Commissioner (Globe and Mail)
- [PRIVACY/PLATFORM REGULATION] Justin Trudeau warns Canadians to listen to our top spy: ‘I would absolutely not recommend someone have TikTok’ (Toronto Star)
- [FREEDOM OF INFORMATION] B.C.’s new info commissioner on his FOI priorities (Secret Canada)
- [ONLINE HARMS] B.C. government and social media giants make deal on non-consensual intimate images (CBC)
- [ONLINE NEWS ACT] Meta’s news ban in Canada: screenshots win, local news loses, study shows (City News)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] No expert consensus on AI risks, trajectory ‘remarkably uncertain’: report (Toronto Star)
- [EMERGENCY SERVICES] Google launches emergency location service in Canada for Android users (Globe and Mail)
- [TELECOMMUNICATIONS/COMPETITION] Quebecor wants Ottawa to stop Loblaw from only offering Rogers, Bell phone products (BNN Bloomberg)
- [TELECOMMUNICATIONS] Half of telecom providers not following website complaints section rules: watchdog (Financial Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Nunavut MP concerned about imitations of Inuit art, says legislative response worth exploring (Globe and Mail)
- [FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] Quebec media say new bill to protect politicians is excessive, harms free speech (CTV News)
- [PRIVACY] Federal political parties lose bid to keep tight hold on voter information in B.C. court ruling (Globe and Mail)
- [PUBLIC BROADCASTING] The Liberals new CBC advisory panel may be too late to save it from Poilievre’s defunding (National Post)
- [CYBERSECURITY] Cybersecurity plan for federal government takes aim at ‘inefficiencies, blind spots’ (City News)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] Protesters reject McMaster University president’s offer for further discussion ‘once the encampment ends’ (Hamilton Spectator)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] Quebec judge: Pro-Palestinian encampment at McGill can stay, University’s injunction request denied (City News)
- [ACCESS TO INFORMATION] OPINION: Editorial Board: The Liberals strike a blow for government secrecy (Globe and Mail)
- [PUBLIC BROADCASTING] OPINION: Ian Morrison: CBC’s president has a radical proposal to remake the CBC. Here’s why Canadians should reject it before it’s too late (Torotno Star)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] OPINION: Kristen Thomasen and Bianca Wylie: Canada’s focus on overhyped future threats of AI miss the harms already being perpetuated against us (Toronto Star)
- [ONLINE HARMS] OPINION: Anna Sainsbury: A new Supreme Court ruling will make it harder to catch child predators (Toronto Star)
International News
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] AI companies make fresh safety promise at Seoul summit, nations agree to align work on risks (Globe and Mail)
- [MEDIA/ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] OpenAI, WSJ Owner News Corp Strike Content Deal Valued at Over $250 Million (Wall Street Journal)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION/ELECTIONS] AI disclosure required in campaign ads, FCC chair says (Reuters)
- [FREEDOM OF PRESS] Indonesia mulls ban on investigative journalism, LGBT content (Reuters)
- [PRIVACY/ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Hong Kong regulator directs Worldcoin to cease operations citing privacy concerns (Reuters)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] A lawmaker held an AI roundtable with scholars. Most had industry ties. (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] AI images are getting harder to spot. Google thinks it has a solution. (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] After year of study, senators unveil AI road map and draw hail of criticism (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] Britain’s AI safety institute to open US office (Reuters)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ONLINE HARMS] ISIS allies embrace AI to spread propaganda (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Scarlett Johansson Rebukes OpenAI Over ‘Eerily Similar’ ChatGPT Voice (Wall Street Journal)
- [CONTENT MODERATION] TikTok Attempts to Rein In Weight Loss Posts (New York Times)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/POLICING] Police evade bans on facial recognition (Washington Post)
- [ONLINE HARMS/ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Man indicted after creating thousands of AI-generated child sex abuse images, prosecutors say (USA Today)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ONLINE NEWS] Meta walked away from news. Now the company’s using it for AI content. (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Many musicians are speaking out against AI in music. But how do consumers feel? (USA Today)
- [CONTENT MODERATION] How social media can avoid fueling another Jan. 6 ; A new report offers seven “urgent” recommendations for Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and X ahead of the 2024 election. (Washington Post)
- [PRIVACY] Illinois legislature approves measure to amend state biometric privacy law (Chicago Tribune)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] OPINION: Molly Roberts: Scarlett Johansson’s ChatGPT face-off confirms our fears about AI (Washington Post)
- [INTERNET POLICY] OPINION: Christopher Cox and Ron Wyden: Buy This Legislation or We’ll Kill the Internet (Wall Street Journal)
- [CAMPUS PROTESTS/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] OPINION: Ro Khanna: To best protect freedom of speech, let’s speak to one another (Washington Post)

(May 15 – 22, 2024)
Canadian Heritage
Communications Security Establishment Canada
Democratic Institutions
Competition Bureau Canada
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Broadcasting and Telecoms
- Telecom order 2024-109
[2024-05-15 11:00:00]
Streamlined order – The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Northwestel Inc., TN 1211
- Telecom order 2024-109

Senate of Canada
- The Senate sitting and possible sitting days: The Senate will sit from May 21 – 23, 2024, with a possible sitting day on May 24, 2024.
House of Commons
- The House of Commons sitting and possible sitting days: The House of Commons will sit form May 21 – 24, 2024.
- Meetings:
- Bills on the Agenda
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework timeline available here
- Implementing the Online News Act timeline available here
- Anticipated releases for the week of 21 to 24 May 2024
- The CRTC is not planning on issuing any decisions, regulatory policies and reports in the week of 21 to 24 May 2024. This is subject to change without notice.
- Upcoming Hearings
- June 28, 2023 – Gatineau, Quebec
To consider the broadcasting applications listed in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2023-72, View hearing documents (2023-72) - July 6, 2023 – National Capital Region
To consider the broadcasting applications listed in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2023-129, 2023-129-1 View hearing documents (2023-129)
- June 28, 2023 – Gatineau, Quebec
- CRTC Open Broadcasting Proceedings
- CRTC Open Telecom Proceedings
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Call for comments – Co-development of an Indigenous Broadcasting Policy – July 22, 2024 2024-67
Have a suggestion? Email Sara Bannerman at banners@mcmaster.ca
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