Weekly Newsletter for May 28, 2024

Weekly News (May 28, 2024)
Compiled by Brad McNeil with Sara Bannerman
McMaster University, Communications Governance Observatory

(May 23 – 28, 2024)
Canadian News
- [ONLINE NEWS ACT] For Canadians who relied on Facebook, coping with wildfire season got even more complicated this year (Toronto Star)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] Ottawa developing new artificial intelligence strategy for the public service (Globe and Mail)
- [PRIVACY] Report on personal emails in Greenbelt scandal will follow FOI appeals, privacy commissioner says (Toronto Star)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Federal government plans to increase its use of AI — with some big exceptions (CBC)
- [CYBERSECURITY] Cybersecurity plan for federal government takes aim at ‘inefficiencies, blind spots’ (Toronto Star)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] Federal government’s voluntary AI code of conduct gets eight more signatories (Torotno Star)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/DATA ETHICS] Disruption for Reconciliation in Action: AI Adoption as a Pathway to Inclusion (Northern News)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/HATE SPEECH] AI-powered hate content is on the rise, experts say (CBC)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Man or machine? Toronto company finds a way to determine how real audio clips are (Globe and Mail)
- [HATE SPEECH] U of T president appears before House committee to speak about antisemitism on campuses (Toronto Star)
- [FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION/HATE SPEECH] Eliminating religion as a hate speech defense an idea worth exploring, says antisemitism envoy (CBC)
- [PRIVACY] Can the cops point a video camera at your home without a search warrant? Can a condo owner put a video doorbell on the outside of their unit? (Toronto Star)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] U of T faculty association alarmed as school warns of termination for those who don’t leave pro-Palestinian encampment before deadline; The faculty association executive said it’s the first time, to their knowledge, that professors have faced such a public threat from the university administration (Globe and Mail)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] Media Advisory: OFL to hold solidarity rally on Monday at U of T encampment to defend students’ right to protest (Financial Post)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] McMaster encampment over after protesters vote to accept university’s offer (Toronto Star)
- [CAMPUS PROTEST/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] OPINION: Brian Schwartz: The University of Toronto has abandoned its promise to prohibit hate speech, intimidation (National Post)
- [PRIVACY] OPINION: Beyhan Farhadi: Vaping in schools: Ontario’s $30 million for surveillance and security won’t address student needs (The Conversation)
- [PUBLIC BROADCASTING] OPINION: Dave Leblanc: Why are ‘procedurals’ good for cop shows but not for architecture? (Globe and Mail)
International News
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] Seoul summit showcases UK’s progress on trying to make advanced AI safe (The Guardian)
- [DATA PRIVACY] EU data protection board says ChatGPT still not meeting data accuracy standards (Reuters)
- [CONTENT MODERATION/LABOUR] Kenyan tech employees lobby Biden for labor protections in trade agreements (Washington Post)
- [DISINFORMATION/ELECTIONS] Debunking misinformation failed. Welcome to ‘pre-bunking’ (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ELECTIONS] Arizona leader warns threats against election officials are domestic terrorism as 2024 fears grow (USA Today)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/MEDIA] The media bosses fighting back against AI — and the ones cutting deals (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REGULATION] Behind the Scenes of Scarlett Johansson’s Battle With OpenAI (Wall Street Journal)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/MEDIA] Meta engagement plan could affect news industry – again (Washington Post)
- [CYBERSECURITY] A Microsoft under attack from government and tech rivals after ‘preventable’ hack ties executive pay to cyberthreats (CNBC)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ELECTIONS] Democratic operative indicted over Biden AI robocalls in New Hampshire (Washington Post)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/ELECTIONS] A.I.’s Effect on Election Is Still Mostly Theoretical (New York Times)
- [DATA PRIVACY] Meta is using your Instagram and Facebook photos to train its AI models (Business Insider)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/PLATFORM GOVERNANCE] OpenAI Forms New Committee to Evaluate Safety, Security (Wall Street Journal
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] Big tech has distracted world from existential risk of AI, says top scientist (The Guardian)
- [COMPETITION] US Sues to Break Up Ticketmaster and Live Nation, Alleging Monopoly Abuse (Wired)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/DEEPFAKES] White House pushes tech industry to shut down market for sexually abusive AI deepfakes (Associated Press)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/MISINFORMATION] Why Google’s AI might recommend you mix glue into your pizza (Washington Post)
- [CONTENT MODERATION] How social media platforms can avoid fueling another Jan. 6 (Washington Post)
- [DEFAMATION] Idaho Drag Performer Wins Over $1.1 Million in Defamation Suit Against Blogger (New York Times)
- [CAMPUS PROTESTS/FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] Oxford University students arrested at pro-Palestinian sit-in (Globe and Mail)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE] OPINION: Navneet Alang: A fantasyland of fakery and fringe theories. AI is creating a world where nothing will be real
- [INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY] OPINION: Sheema Khan: Will the rise of AI spell the end of intellectual property rights? (Globe and Mail)
- [FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION] OPINION: James Kirchick: How ‘Zionist’ Became a Bad Word in Publishing (New York Times)
- [ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/COMPETITION] OPINION: William P. Barr: Big Tech’s Budding AI Monopoly (Wall Street Journal)

(May 23 – 28, 2024)
Canadian Heritage
Democratic Institutions
- Protecting Canada’s Democratic Institutions from Foreign Interference
- Statement on the Tabling of the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency report on the 43rd and 44th Federal General Elections
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Competition Bureau Canada
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
- New online breach reporting forms for federal institutions and businesses
- Privacy Commissioner appears before Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210
- Appearance before the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill S-210
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Broadcasting and Telecoms
- Telecom order 2024-116
[2024-05-27 11:00:00]
Broadband Fund – Change request – Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation’s British Columbia transport fibre project – Public record: 1011-NOC2019-0372 - Broadcasting information bulletin 2024-115
[2024-05-27 11:00:00]
Guidance on practice and procedure under the Online News Act - Broadcasting decision 2024-114
[2024-05-27 11:00:00]
Arsenal Media Inc. – Joliette, Quebec – Application to operate a new commercial FM radio station in Joliette - Broadcasting decision 2024-113
[2024-05-27 11:00:00]
Radio Nord-Joli inc. – Joliette, Quebec – Application to operate a French-language community FM radio station in Joliette to replace the French-language community radio station CFNJ-FM Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon - Telecom order 2024-112
[2024-05-23 11:00:00]
Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in the additional process initiated by Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision 2022-170 – File numbers:1011-NOC2021-0009 and 4754-675 - Broadcasting notice of consultation 2024-111
[2024-05-23 11:00:00]
Call for comments – Proposed Cost Recovery Regulations – Public record: 1011-NOC2024-0111
- Telecom order 2024-116
Senate of Canada
- The Senate sitting and possible sitting days: The Senate will sit from May 28 – 30, 2024, with a possible sitting day on May 31, 2024.
House of Commons
- The House of Commons sitting and possible sitting days: The House of Commons will sit form May 27 – 31, 2024.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Anticipated releases for the week of 27 to 31 May 2024
- The CRTC is not planning on issuing any decisions, regulatory policies and reports in the week of 27 to 31 May 2024. This is subject to change without notice.
- Upcoming Hearings
- June 28, 2023 – Gatineau, Quebec
To consider the broadcasting applications listed in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2023-72, View hearing documents (2023-72) - July 6, 2023 – National Capital Region
To consider the broadcasting applications listed in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2023-129, 2023-129-1 View hearing documents (2023-129)
- June 28, 2023 – Gatineau, Quebec
- CRTC Open Broadcasting Proceedings
- CRTC Open Telecom Proceedings
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Call for comments – Co-development of an Indigenous Broadcasting Policy – July 22, 2024 2024-67
Have a suggestion? Email Sara Bannerman at banners@mcmaster.ca
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